Friday, October 4, 2013

Jakarta 4 days trip- day 4: Mangga Dua

Finally the last day of the trip. Where would we go? Of course is the last stop, Mangga Dua. It is the shopping paradise for the people who did business or the people who wants to buy cheap things in bulk. It is located at the Jakarta Town, and just bare in mind, it will be terrible traffic jam of course. So you need to depart 1 hour earlier if you want to reach there by 10am. Then you will be crazy shopping at the mall, and sometimes you will even forget you will be going back later. Haha....

After crazy shopping, we go back to the hotel and pick our things up. Then again we need to sit in the taksi for about 2 hours in order for us to go to the airport, all because of the traffic. So if you are the type who like to sit in the car, please come here for a longer time. Don't just come few days. For people like me, i will become crazy if i keep on stuck in this kind of traffic jam.
Car and car will become so near when you are in Jakarta, and this is one of the local transport which stick with the angkut
