Monday, August 19, 2013

Unbake Cheese Cake Making

Today I'm trying to make an unbake cup cheese cake which I saw from Facebook. It is a non-baker, no measurement required recipe, and it ends up really great!

Here are the ingredients:
  1. Tataru Cream Cheese (You can use any cream cheese)
  2. Sweeten condensed milk about half of a tin (depends on how sweet you would like it to be)
  3. Biscuit (it can be chipsmore, oreo, Marie etc.)


  1. Crush the biscuit to small pieces. If you like to have some crunchy biscuit when you eat it, you can leave some in the big chuck. Then set aside.
  2. Cream cheese puts it at room temperature until soften. Mix with the Sweeten condensed milk until smooth. (For me, I don't have the mixer to mix it, so I use the fork instead. That's why it was not so smooth.)
  3. Then you just have to put 1 layer of cheese, 1 layer of biscuit until your bowl full.
  4. Put in the fridge for at least 6 hours for the cheese to set. 
* You can actually add in a lot of things that you like. For me, I just add a little bit of the Nestum oat on top of the cake because I like it. You can add in lemon juice, chocolate powder or other thing as your preference.

There you go, my tasty Cheese Cake.

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