Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Couscous recipe (10 min meal)

Before this, I never knew there was a food call couscous, I learn it from a TV show hosted by Jamie Oliver. Couscous (/ˈkʊskʊs/ or /ˈkuːskuːs/) is a traditional North African dish of semolina (granules of durum wheat) which is cooked by steaming. [1] It is actually something like rice as a staple food, you can serve with meat or vegetables. I am surprised by how fast it can be cooked. So I decided to give it a try. It is really easy and fast. So now I share it here with everybody, hope you will like it too.

Couscous (I found it at Aeon big, I'm not sure other places carry this item or not)
Vegetable (Any vegetables, I use my left over vegetables.)
Meat (Any meat, you can use any leftover stew, or you can make a new one)
Garlic 2 cloves
Lemon juice
Salt and Pepper

How easy is it?
1. Take the couscous, measure it according to the chart below:

1/2 cup          -serve 2 persons
1 cup             -serve 4 persons

The measurement is always correct. Pour the couscous into a bowl, add in the twice amount of the hot water into the couscous. eg: 1 cup of hot water into 1/2 cup of couscous. Add in 1 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper. Cover it up with a cover/lid or plate. Wait for 10 min.

2. Meanwhile, add the hot water into the rice cooker and put your leftover to steam. Well, since I don't have any leftover, so I make a new one. I steam the green beans with garlic, oyster sauce and a little bit of the soy sauce. 

3. Fluff the couscous with a fork after 10 minutes. Then serve with any dishes that you like.

There you go, my dinner for today. Opps! i add in 1 egg too when i steam the green bean. Yummy!

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