Saturday, August 24, 2013

Brown Sugar Body Scrub

It is time to pamper your skin with the scrub to exfoliate all the dead cells and encourage the new cell production. Usually the scrub in the market is quite expensive and it is not so natural. So what I do, i made myself a natural scrub. The ingredient is easy, and all you need to do is just mix it up. So here we go, the brown sugar body scrub.

1/2 cup of brown sugar (I don't have a measuring cup, so I use 8 tablespoons.)
3 tablespoons of oil (you can use any oil: olive, almond, coconut, baby oil etc.)
2 tablespoons of honey
A bit of the lemon zest or lemon juice.

I don't actually have a grater in my kitchen, so i go for the traditional way- chopped. Chop the lemon zest until you think it is small enough. I'm not using lemon juice as I don't want my scrub to be watery and my baby oil is with lavender scent. So i think lemon zest will be good enough. 

Next, all you need to do is mixing all the ingredients together, then your natural body scrub is ready to be used!

Then you keep the scrub in a proper container, with cap of course. It can be stored for 1 week, or if you keep it in the fridge it can actually last you longer. 

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