Monday, August 19, 2013



很多人告诉我他不喜欢雨天, 觉得雨天很麻烦, 要撑伞, 衣服都不能晒干,身上的衣服鞋子全都被雨水弄得湿湿的。尤其是穿着高跟鞋迷你裙的女生, 双脚都被雨水弄脏了,高跟鞋都湿透了, 好 狼狈啊!而我, 却对雨天有一种特别的感觉。 我觉得雨天让我感觉好舒服, 凉风习习, 雨声也特别的好听。

我特别喜欢在雨天的时候, 走到屋檐下, 看着天上的 云朵。 雨天的天空虽然不是彩色的, 而是灰灰白白的, 可是灰白也很配不是吗?天上的云,随着风, 慢慢的飘着, 随风摇摆着, 多么美的景色啊!云是一种大自然现象, 有地面上的水, 蒸发到天上, 然后它们团结一起形成了云,到最后云也变回了雨, 重新回到这片土地上。 云给我的感觉就和人类一样。 大地孕育了人类, 让人类生存在这片土地上, 让人类有机会学习,生存,成长, 成家立业, 到最后变老了, 死了, 也是一样回到大地的怀抱。这就是大自然啊!

望着天上的云朵,看着雨水慢慢的滴落到地面, 滋润着大地,好美丽的一幅画啊! 习习的凉风会把你的坏心情, 忧虑和压力全部都吹走。 随着而来的, 是青草的味道, 香香的清新的, 大自然的味道。那是多么的纯洁, 一点杂质都没有。 城市里肮脏的空气, 顿时变得很清新, 很干净了。

雨天对我来说就是一个好天气, 它给我动力, 它给我灵感, 它让我不再感觉烦恼。

Rainy day
There are a lot of people telling me that they don’t like rainy day. Rainy day is so troublesome, all the laundry couldn’t dry, they need to take umbrella if they want to go out, shoes will become wet if they walk on the street and etc. Especially for the office or young lady who wear high heel shoe and mini skirt, their shoes will become all wet and it is very difficult for them to walk in the middle of the rain. For me, I think rainy day gives me a special feeling. I like a rainy day, it can make me feel relaxed and comfortable. Especially with the wind and the raining sound, it is the best orchestra in the world.

I like to go under the eaves, watching the beautiful color of the sky. Many people think that the sky during rainy day is just grey and white, but don’t you think that they actually match very well? The cloud is such a nice nature process, from the water on the earth, evaporates into the sky, gather together to become the clouds and then fall back to the earth again. It is just like human beings, the earth breeds the human; let us have the chance to live, to learn. Then we get old and we die, but eventually we go back to the earth at last. That is the nature of everything.

Looking to the sky, watching the rain drop slowly and moisturize the land, it is such a beautiful picture. The wind is so nice to blow all you bad mood, stress and anxious feeling, and then it will bring the smell of nature, the greenish smell of the plant, a very clear environment. All those dirty air in the city will be all gone, the air become so clean and clear.

For me, rainy day brings energy to me, it inspired me and it makes me feel relax.
I am waiting for the next rainy day to come… 

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